
And what might those values be, Bibi

Christians join Jews to express support for Israel - Topix: "“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Pastor John Hagee and radio personality Glenn Beck all spoke to Israel's Christian supporters during the sixth annual "Christians United for Israel" summit at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C

"We need to defend the truth that Israel is the only reliable ally the U.S. has in the Middle East,” said Netanyahu via satellite. “When you support Israel, you don’t have to choose between your interests and your values; you get both."

Were one to posit a global values conflict in Charles Sanders Peirce terms, it might go like this. First: Gosh, Hagee Beck and Netanyahu (Excitation) Second: Wait a minute, this is Christians and Jews? (Brute fact implied) Third: Test to see to what extent these three represent the entire class of Christians and Jews.

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