
The dismal end of built-in obsolescence

Irony on irony. The talk of recovery. What is lost will not be recovered. And that is a happy thing. When I was a teen we talked about built-in obsolescence as something new. An era of craft had petered out and was succeeded by mass produced products that were destined to need replacement, so we were told. Now I see the shoppers in Macy's and wonder if i am wrong. I don't think so. The figures back me up. Everything points to the fact that we are not spending money because we no longer want a new model every year, a new fashion every season, a new generation of product every year. This means that we are miles ahead of the business schools. We will spearhead the sunset of the corporate world with its no-liability perks and its affluent exploit class. Within five years the talk of big bonuses will have receded. We may even be beyond the market as we know it. The economy of the future will value human beings not as corpses to be manipulated from birth to death but as thinking, free souls who want to learn what their freedom means in daily practice. Corporations have little investment even in recognizing freedom. It makes their research iffy. But we knew the recovery was phony from the beginning. Do not blame anyone but us. We stopped buying. Congratulations to us. We are waiting for the world to catch up. Congratulations again. And we will prevail.

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press