
Shameless Christianity

Here's how it works. The creed saves us. We say Jesus is my savior. This means nothing in terms of universal values. It means I am one of the 144,000 ticket holders and I can attach anything I want to my ticket and proceed through life with no shame. That may explain the weird smile on the face of Marcus Bachmann. Shameless Christianity enables people to be intolerant, unhelpful and undemocratic. Jesus designated such people hypocrites. These people bypass the way Jesus taught and embodied. Tolerance, Democracy. Helpfulness. Non-idolatry. These are universal values present in each person waiting to be activated by penitence and turning to Abba. Shameless Christianity is a protection against the power of the universal values of Jesus. 
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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press