
Actually Rick Perry Bush 3 is a small problem

The words below were written last August (2011) and they indicate that Perry took little time to disqualify himself. I think it was he that set the stage for the surge meme. A rather ironical meme when you think about it. In any case the nomination has not yet been decided. I see it as an R and R affair. On one side is Romney trying to buffoon his way to becoming the savior of an unreceptive GOP, on the other Rush seeking to co-opt perfectly good American ideals for the conservatives. When Mitt tries to mouth these ideals they have a false and hollow ring. When Obama mouths them they have sincerity which is part of what drives his enemies batty. He can out-conservative a conservative any day. As for Rick, he can blame W for his sad demise. We were not ready for another Texas Governor with the same vocal timbre as the Ruiner of Our Country.

Rick Perry on Romney's health care law: It's a "huge problem" for him - Political Hotsheet - CBS News:

We can generally see that Perry's comments are basically hot air. What we need to see is that this man is at bottom Bush 3. If we want a mentality like that in the White House ushering in another worst decade of our life, hen Rick Bush 3 is our man. Otherwise it will be up to us, the voters, to demonstrate that he is indeed a small problem who will go away in time.

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