
In the US it is the overclass that is brutal

3quarksdaily: "...The political class may have been caught out, but the culture betrayed signs of problems earlier, telegraphing anxieties of the law-abiding citizenry that a brutal underclass might at any moment elbow its way into their homes."

Oblivious too.

Blunt truth: We do not seem to act in quite the way the British underclass does. But the fear of our overclass has created the polarization, the jail society and the race and class-based bifurcation of everything. In a sense the Black middle class has been the pawn in this process, creating an illusion of progress when what we were getting was continuing polarization. The best resolution may be acknowledging and inventorying some resources of spirit that have in the past enabled us to begin closing the yawning and brutal chasms that exist.

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The Slow as Molasses Press