
Mark McKinnon's Best Dream Is Phony

Rick Perry Burns the GOP 2012 Field, Polling Ahead of Bachmann, Romney - The Daily Beast: "Malaise may mar the sitting president’s reelection plans, and Perry may play Ronald Reagan to Romney's George H.W. Bush to Obama’s Jimmy Carter."

Dream on Mark. You have not been prescient thus far. We have already given Perry the nomination. And the actual title he will have in the campaign - Bush 3. Your effort to Carterize Obama will be dispatched by facts. Obama has been the best fighter we have had to stave off the vast right wing conspiracy that took its giant step forward when Obama was elected. Your party has had a giant race card to play and plays it with impunity. Obama has responded with rope-a-dope while conservatives exulted and progressives squirmed. So dream on Mark. It will be a tough and even brutal election. But we need to be fully aware right now that we are not looking at a Ronald Reagan - bad as that might be. We are looking at a W, at a Bush 3, at a Jaws of Hell gate keeper. And when Obama is through with him, that is the identity that will stick.

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The Slow as Molasses Press