
Obama's Passion is Krugman on Steroids

What Happened to Obama’s Passion? - NYTimes.com: "But the arc of history does not bend toward justice through capitulation cast as compromise." This long and tendentious piece probably should have been edited by David Brooks. It is the conventional progressive rap on the President. It demeans his past with faint praise and worn-out reporting. And it fails with practically everyone else to perceive the rope-a-dope at the heart of the Obama methodology which proceeds in Peircean Threes. That is to say, he never does not have a goal which he announces with such clarity that the progressives take it to be an unkept promise rather than something he genuinely intends to achieve. The narrative that the writer puts into Obama's mouth as a salient riposte is laughable. Were there any fresh fish left to wrap, this multi page zinger would be ideal. There is more here that elucidates the President's actual MO.

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The Slow as Molasses Press