
We Are in A Truncation Period

We are in a truncation period
When we repealed Glass Steagall (under Clinton) we opened the door to trading
Over old fashioned face to face back and forth
The world has become air and bytes
And air and bytes cannot support anything but phony global polarization and stratification and any other ation you can name
We will survive a better world because democratic values are welling up in all the people who are so poor they are unaffected by all this
And all the people who are being jerked around because their eyes are being opened
When it is done we will think beyond big oil and big cars and big deals
And recover some community
Some decent education
Some of what happens when a seed falls to the ground to rise again

Market Collapse 2011: How Crashes Are the New Black - The Daily Beast

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press