
And while you're at it I'll have a mint julep

DeMint To Obama: Deliver In Writing - Topix: "Republican Sen. Jim DeMint said Sunday he wants a jobs plan in writing from President Barack Obama, not just another speech."

This guy is a piece of work and that is being polite.

Here's what the President said on L Day and will deliver on, in writing as is standard, tonight after last night's sorry GOP debate.

"But we’re not going to wait for them. We’re going to see if we’ve got some straight shooters in Congress. We’re going to see if congressional Republicans will put country before party. We’ll give them a plan, and then we’ll say, do you want to create jobs? Then put our construction workers back to work rebuilding America. Do you want to help our companies succeed? Open up new markets for them to sell their products. You want -- you say you’re the party of tax cuts? Well then, prove you’ll fight just as hard for tax cuts for middle-class families as you do for oil companies and the most affluent Americans. Show us what you got. "

The you includes you Jim.

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