
Does eating well really require all this work?

The Secret Ingredient (Dijon Mustard): Moules Dijonnaise | Serious Eats : Recipes:

These recipe things get me. My MO is to get food anywhere it is sold as a meal. There are a zillion places in NYC. Take some of it and put it a cast iron one person-sized frying pan with some olive oil. Mix it with a few other things from other meals plus whatever condiments and staples you like. Turn the stove to medium high. Go back to the keyboard. Hear a sizzle, Turn off the stove. Ten minutes later I am eating whatever right here as I blog away. It might have some shrimp, some naan, a prune, a carrot. Whatever. For variety, downstairs to the Subway. Budget miniscule. Motive time, convenience, better things to do. I am in favor of eliminating everything others can do better and more economically. Our duplication and built-in obsolescence economy may be good for business but it wreaks havoc on life.

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The Slow as Molasses Press