
A welcome slant on The Grass Roots Church

The Grass Roots Church: In this book, Stephen Rose has taken a welcome step beyond the flood of recent literature that has criticized the existing forms of church life in America. He has boldly sketched out a "field of possibilities," a range of concrete suggestions on how we can alter the institutional shape of the churches to enable them to serve our emerging urban-technological society. He calls his suggestions for a revitalized and reformed church "evocative rather than rigid." Although his modesty is commendable, it is the very specificity of this book which makes it important. No longer will the strident defenders of our present denominational leviathans be able to say, as they often have in the past, that the advocates of renewal operate miles up in the stratosphere with no relationship to the structural realities of the American Church. - Harvey Cox

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The Slow as Molasses Press