
Futuristic laptops 10 communities 0

Top 10 futuristic concept laptop designs | HybridLava:

The concern with the small and the personal techno realm may be fine but when will it morph into the design of communities, of small car-free cities (of 10 k for example), of components of spaces or buildings to replace the materials now in use, of walls that contain the basis for creating various elements of usability such as sleeping surfaces and so forth. The biggest thing that is not being done today is the renewal and creation of the large. Of the future outside macro realm. Dwellings. Transportation. Ecostructures. Walkability. The micro stuff merely reveals that we could do the macro if we could get our minds around it. Obama understands this but has not really envisioned it because it is politically difficult to tell big oil its days are numbered, though they are.

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