
Ten Commandments for Charity

1. Charity is no substitute for democratic governance.

2. Charity should be concerned with achieving full justice.

3. Charity should embrace tolerance, acceptance of all persons and groups as having the same rights of all under the law.

4. Charity should genuinely help. Some charities, by suggesting they solve problems, merely exacerbate them by convincing the public that all is well when it is not.

5. Not for profit charities should observe strict standards regarding their conduct, their salary structure and their use of media.

6. Philanthropy aids tyranny when it fails to place universal democratic governance at the forefront.

7. Philanthropy should always act in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights.

8. The use of not for profit law to conduct political action under the guise of it being charitable is egregious and should be strongly opposed.

9. The global system at present is a mix between governments and not for profit enterprises of all sorts. Insofar as the world still suffers needless deaths each year because of the failure of all of these entities, the priority should be on supporting the spread of just democratic governance.

10. The values pledge applying to all charitable activity should be that it is not idolatrous, that it is tolerant, that it is helpful (enabling) and that it espouses and supports democracy.

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press