
The "fruits" by which we are known rise from our values

The "fruits" by which we are known rise from our values
Forgiveness is such a fruit
It is the product of tolerance and helpfulness
Of democracy and non-idolatry
These four are the fundamental values of Abba's Way
And by inference the fundamental values of the teaching
And the example of Jesus
I spell this out because fruits differ from values
Values are the inevitable result of having a will and living from day to day
We are our values
The values noted above are inherently good when lodged within a person
The modify each other
The anchoring in non-idolatry
Enables an iconoclasm that is able to see through
many of the hypocrisies of lesser value systems
The negative results of life stem from the willed value
Of envy whose fruits are revenge violence and self-loathing
It is helpful to have a grip on the primacy of values
And on the fruits by which they are known

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press