Triadic Philosophy
A Universal Way of Life for the 2000s
People saw me and called me Master, Lord
Abba's Way
"People saw me and called me Master, Lord,
And took me for some super-being on earth;
I merely saw what life is moving toward,
And felt the power of Abba’s inner surge."
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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch
The Slow as Molasses Press
"Sto Perigiali" One of the Surpassingly Best Tunes Theodorakis Has Written
A Setting for a Poem "Denial" Beloved by the Greek People by the Nobel Prize Winning Poet Giorgos Seferis
The Slow as Molasses Press
Tangled web at Northwestern
Chicago magazine | What Happened Between David Protess and Medill? : Apparently still untangling or tangling depending on your POV. Global O...