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Police cars were appearing on various side streets
Adam Panflick: The Boston Car Wars (1980s): "Police cars were appearing on various side streets, their renegade movements adding to the gridlock. A fight broke out between the crew-cut Irish limo driver and a portly Hispanic cabbie. But Adam was, by now, entering the Dunkin'Donuts on the next block. At the counter he purchased a baker's dozen of oat bran donuts and walked purposively to a rear table where he began to consume them, one per bite. He washed down his mammoth mouthfuls with gulps from a jumbo Classic Coke."
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A Setting for a Poem "Denial" Beloved by the Greek People by the Nobel Prize Winning Poet Giorgos Seferis http://www.youtube.c...
Chicago magazine | What Happened Between David Protess and Medill? : Apparently still untangling or tangling depending on your POV. Global O...