
The Tangled Web That Is Sudan

allAfrica.com: Sudan: A Civil Society Deferred - Failure of the Sudanese Nation-State - a Debate On a Book By Abdullahi Gallab: "Sudanese state failure is evident not only in Southern secession, but is also manifested in the rebellions in Darfur, the Nuba mountains and amongst the Beja of Eastern Sudan. More recently it has been revitalised within the heterogeneous opposition forces of the 'New South' - a loosely affiliated political movement now growing in the new Republic of Sudan which has identified weaknesses within the NCP regime and is keen to exploit this moment to break its hold on the country. It is possible that we are now observing (or experiencing) a transformational moment in Sudanese history, when the continuities that Gallab illustrates - of imperial domination for two centuries (from Egyptian, to British, to military government) - are at last thrown off, and are replaced with a pluralist state that reflects the human plurality of what was (prior to July), Africa's largest country. However, Gallab's work shows us that this eventuality would be anomalous to the processes that have shaped Sudan's modern history."

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