
Abba is present in the AIDs-wracked child who has never heard of Jesus.

Abba is present in the AIDs-wracked child who has never heard of Jesus.
Abba is present in Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann.
Abba is present in Sarah Palin and Barack Obama.
Abba is present in the most hardened prisoner and the most dastardly killer.
Abba is present in the victim of every criminal act, whether Jesus has been within earshot or not.

Gospel means good news.
The good news is that Abba the One is the foundation.
An accessible parent, a friend, an enabler. 
A beacon of hope and justice.
But Jesus got mightily ticked off when people tried to make him - Jesus - an object of worship. 
To build shrines to him. 
To do anything that suggested that we could not do exactly what he was doing.
Relying completely on Abba and Abba's available power.

Jesus was all about human progress on this earth. 
Jesus was about showing people exactly how they could and should live.
Jesus was about values, About changing bad values into better values.
With daily repentance. 
With daily awareness that Abba intends us to have daily bread. 
And so forth.
So when someone says that spirituality comes through Jesus, sure. That is so.
But when someone says, Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, that's wrong. 

We are already saved. 
We already have Abba within us. 
Abba is the universal spark of life.

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