
Giving up salt is simple and efficacious

High Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio in Diet Is a Major Heart Risk - NYTimes.com: "A major study, based on data from more than 12,000 American adults, took into account all those risk factors for death from heart disease. The researchers found that while a diet high in sodium — salt is the main source — increases your risk, even more important is the ratio of sodium (harmful) to potassium (protective) in one’s diet."

'via Blog this'

There is enough salt in everything to warrant no use of table salt or salt in cooking period. I've not used it forever. It helps also not to use processed foods. Obviously hidden salt is all over. Confining one's intake to foods that are largely salt free will work. Plus using salty accents that are indeed known and delicious. My personal favorite is soprasetta which I break into little pieces and toss into whatever I am cooking up. Not using the stuff even when called for in recipes is sensible. One of the few places that has salt free butter is Au Bon Pain. Getting their Jalapeno bagels to go with some of that butter is a current MO.

Here's a little bit more from the NYT piece which I venture to guess few will read through.,

"Despite widespread efforts to get people to consume less sodium, intake of this nutrient has increased significantly since the early 1970s as consumption has risen of processed and restaurant foods, which rely heavily on salt as a cheap way to enhance flavor and texture and preserve food. Because salt is categorized by the Food and Drug Administration as G.R.A.S., or “generally recognized as safe,” there is no limit to the amount food producers can use in a product."

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