
The Great Downgrading of Salvation

Mark 10
44: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

Jesus' downgrades salvation
He shows that none are likely to be saved by their deeds
for three reasons
They will dishonor marriage
They will reject children
They will fall in love with possessions (wealth)

The realm of Abba is run on different principles than ours
We're to throw it all away 
To care for nothing
But the will and way of Abba

Two things we may conclude
The circle of those whose acts will save them is empty
The circle of those who see this and proceed by faith is miniscule

So what - in Abba's name - are we celebrating
Mostly cheap grace
We should stop talking Creed
And confine our lives to prayer 
And doing right by our fellow human beings
Thus Bonhoeffer

Abba's Way is a humble path 
For those who understand
That if all the world actually believed in Abba 
And followed him
Our values would reflect it
Starting with the substance of the text above
We'd be upright penitents
Jesus-aware iconoclasts
Strongly tolerant
No-nonsense helpful
Fiercely child-defending 
Universal democrats

No creed can trump the text above

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