There is a season for everything. And seasons end. I venture that the day of the negative ad is near. The day it doesn't work anymore. Part of my intuition is watching MSNBC become a certainty chorus about the efficacy of these noxious commercials. When all minds opine thus, I assume they are taking the easy way forward. And that way leads to being wrong more often than not. I will therefore venture a prediction. There will be a near dead heat in Iowa that vastly neuters the noxious power of the Romney-Pac ads. The max margin of victory will be four points. Romney will not be the winner. So much for these dumb ads. The pendulum will swing toward the clever and humorous and truly effective. Why? Because people are less dumb than Mr. Smerconish and company surmise.
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MSNBC says negative ads work. Not so fast
Negative ads mix with holiday cheer in Iowa - BusinessWeek: "Iowa residents flipping their TV channels this season aren't finding a whole lot of Christmas cheer. A barrage of negative campaign ads is flooding the airwaves, with ghoulish images of Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi crowding Santa and doomsday music drowning out holiday song." 'via Blog this'
A Setting for a Poem "Denial" Beloved by the Greek People by the Nobel Prize Winning Poet Giorgos Seferis
Chicago magazine | What Happened Between David Protess and Medill? : Apparently still untangling or tangling depending on your POV. Global O...