
Nancy you'll re-ascend the chair

Nancy you'll re-ascend the chair
And nod to our bold President
When he comes down the aisle
Come January '13
Wreathed in smiles

You are among the few the great
Who saw that on the very wall the billionaires
Were filling with graffiti
Was a palimpsest
And there was written victory
For the truth
You know
The truth that's marching on

And in a million homes mothers will thank you silently for saving
This or that as you have done
And in a million places where we work
The ones who know will shake their head
Remembering fun that was made
Slurs that were cast
To the shame of little children when they
Heard that stuff at home

We're in a war but we shall win
In 1860
We fought it once and won
And then did not
Come 1960s
We fought it twice
And won
And then did not
In 2012
We'll win again

Would I could take you by the arm
And whisper Madame Speaker
Third time is the charm

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