
Need Your Help

This little blog complex has not been here long and I can hardly complain about the relative ease of maintaining it and the enjoyment I get out of it. This is a one person shop. I am not in it for any possible income. That would be laughable given the time I put in and the value I would set if anyone offered to pay me,

But I do balance my yes and my no to this effort according to the degree of subscribers I have. I say subscribers advisedly. I am not writing headlines for SEO purposes but for the small regular audience I have. Nor am I advertising beyond promoting posts on the normal social networks. So I must depend on you the reader, if interested, to subscribe and to encourage others to do the same. 

I am also trying to activate comments but there is a glitch here that I have yet to overcome. Once comments are available, I would hope you would use them to alert me to things that should be noted or to add to whatever the subject of the post is. 

I will appreciate any help in these areas. You will note my Cap tips to those who supply content. I will do the same for you if you note content that deserves mention.  

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press