
Peas in a lethal nuclear pod

The Associated Press: US nuke chief supports Japan nuke plant stability: "TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. nuclear safety chief said Tuesday that he is comfortable with Japan's announcement that its tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant has reached stable conditions, brushing off skepticism raised by experts."

'via Blog this'

The subtext of energy is the looming specter of a nuked world. Here is the proper timeline.


Live with the need for fossil fuels while flagging their extreme danger long term.
Invest in alternatives.
Choose a car-free future.

Near term.

Stop nuke construction and close plants like Indian Point.
Flag all fossil fuel activity as terminal.
Create first cyber-communities.

Long term.

Cyber-communities clustered into cyber-cities
Vast reduction in need for business and commercial travel
Transition to expanded localized economies due to re-scaling of everything to cyber-communities

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press