
Semeiotic theory is necessarily first among sciences

"For "semiotics" to be an effective unifying discipline it must not isolate itself. Unfortunately, it's too late. By a series of missteps, related cross-discipline confusions, and plain term usage, "semiotics" *is* isolated.

"The irony is that semeiotic theory is necessarily first among sciences. Yet its current position is worse than last. If you surveyed most scientists today that understand the discipline I suspect they would consider it irrelevant, many more have never heard of it.

"And I do not think the situation can be rescued. Any serious analysis of the situation must, I think, draw this conclusion.

"The right approach I have concluded is to drive a resurgence with renewed interest in logic and its foundations, expanding the scope of the discipline to encompass the concerns that rest within what we call "semeiotic theory." Logic has a role that is better appreciated and can be driven toward a useful expansion and a clarification by semeiotic theory." - Steven Ericsson-Zenith


RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press