
Global Sprawl Everything Human Beings Do Not Need


"Urban sprawl, a trend long associated with North American cities, 
is fast engulfing many developing countries 
where real estate developers are pushing a “world class lifestyle”. 
In many developing countries, urban sprawl comprises two main, 
contrasting types of development in the same city: 
one is characterized by large peri-urban areas with informal and illegal patterns of land use. 
This is combined with a lack of infrastructure, public facilities and basic services, 
and often is accompanied by little or no public transport 
and by inadequate access roads. 
The other is a form of “suburban sprawl” in which 
residential zones for high- and middle-income groups 
and  highly-valued commercial and retail complexes 
are well-connected by individual rather than public transport."

Charles Sanders Peirce - Thinking in Threes

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press