
See no child as the product of wedlock.

Abba's Way: 47 On Child and Marriage:

Where to begin? Well I’ll start at the end.
See no child as the product of wedlock.
See each child as but Abba’s jealous claim.
See marriage as a word people have made
To speak whatever language they prefer.
See children as those whom adults once were.
Despair of sorting through parental blames,
A simple reason would spare us this play.
But passion is not simple, nor is rage.
And reason will be crushed, kids made to pay,

'via Blog this'

It is children Abba is concerned with and the treatment of children upon which our humanity is judged. This is what makes today's "Christian" concern with conception so hypocritical. If the church protected all children on earth it would have no time for this silliness. If you think this has no mandate Biblically, look to the gospels.

Charles Sanders Peirce - Thinking in Threes

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press