10K persons diverse in every way living
in an area made car free
Sharing a common structure for eco-sustainability
beyond the reach of any individual to afford
Having within walking distance education
health recreation dwellings commercial ventures
squares small play grounds
A public space
as attracting to people as private spaces
Dwellings and all other structures
made of modular mass-produced elements
including smart walls and other surfaces
built-in structures for furniture and work sspaces
in a safe and cord-free
In a cyber-community most present
education and commerce runs out of
kiosk-like small facilities
that are open much of the time
Education would be at once freer
and more interactive
Everything would be
Current institutions would adapt to the new form
but have functions similar to existing functions
People would live and work in the cyber-community
Most elements of the global culture would be
available to all in an adaptation of today's
sports bars
Cyber-communities can spring up
anywhere and become safe face to face
environments for persons who live by
the shared values of democracy
helpfulness tolerance and non-idolatry
A cyber-community is not a utopia
It is a grass-roots democracy that
runs as most town governments do
Moving beyond oil, detached sprawl
housing and cars is inevitable because
it creates a system that cannot be
afforded in the future
while doing nothing to make society
more fulfilling
For more please click the
cyber-community label below