Christian Thinkers Ponder Nietzsche
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A Christian Scholar's Dialogue with Muslims by Hans Kung
Second. in the process of secularization, modern Christianity has had negative as well as positive experiences which Islam in its unavoidable modernization quite possibly might also have lying before it. That is particularly true in regard to dealing with the modern critique of religion, as, for example, by Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud.
A Political Vision for the Organic Model by Robert W. Hoffert
Both politics and personality would be reinvested with a wholeness they have lost in countless ways: in Marx's economic determinism, in Nietzsche's nihilism, and in Dahl's socioeconomic statistics.
A Whiteheadian Chaosmos: Process Philosophy from a Deleuzean Perspective by Tim Clark
As it was with Nietzsche, so it is with the pagan Deleuze.
A Worried America by Gunnar Myrdal
We could, and did, indulge in the pessimism of a Schopenhauer or in the aggressive egocentricity of a Nietzsche,
An Interview with David Tracy by Lois Malcolm
I agree with Nietzsche: our souls are too small.
Anselm Kiefer: Art as Atonement by Ronald Goetz
Because Nietzsche's thought was appropriated by Hitler and Nazism (however legitimately or illegitimately the Nazis understood that self-contradictory philosopher -- and the jury is forever out on that question), Nietzsche came under a cloud in Germany immediately after World War II.
But such an eclipse could not be expected to last, and at present Germany is experiencing a Nietzschian revival, Kiefer is plainly indebted, as were his early 20-century German expressionist predecessors, to elements within the Nietzschian mind-set.
Has Europe Become Theologically Barren? by John B. Cobb, Jr.
When we read the neo-Kantians against the background of Nietzsche's critique, they seem somewhat superficial. As knowledge of other religious traditions became more important, the easy affirmation of Christian superiority was harder to maintain. I think here, especially, of Ernst Troeltsch, and his giving up of the claim to the absoluteness of Christianity.
Whitehead and Nietzsche: Overcoming the Evil of Time by Strachan Donnelley
Whitehead and Nietzsche, indefatigable process philosophers, march to decidedly different philosophic drums. Yet at a striking junction, they cross paths.
Both find human life and the temporal world of becoming plagued by an ultimate evil that is deeply involved with the nature of time -- in particular, with the essential passage of time and the temporal dimension of the past. Time threatens to devour human significance and the humanly good life.
Whitehead and the Dualism of Mind and Nature by Philip Michael Rose
His [Nietzsche's] naturalistic approach removes the veil of completeness and order which reason brings to the world and reveals instead a world which is essentially incomplete -- an open-ended, chaotic world of pure contingency.
Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy -- Attitudes Toward Sourced attitudes toward Nietzsche and his philosophy from Religion Online.
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