
Aesthetic action always intends to achieve the very best result.

Triadic Thinking (Practical Examples of Thinking in Threes) eBook: Stephen C. Rose: Kindle Store http://buff.ly/1lxVLsc

You see 
ethics has never cut it
because purveyors of ethics become moralists
And aesthetics has never cut it 
because it always 
reduces itself to
the effete and closed ART WORLD
Since neither of
these modes works in itself
to achieve change
the answer lies in
exposing both of them
to Reality
and then allowing
ethics to be construed as
universal values
which are not moralistic in themselves
and then allowing 
to become universal
truth and beauty
standard for all action
Well when you do all that
you have the revolution
because it is just what
you happen to
come to in your own

Stephen's Remarkable Kindle Store

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press