
We are in the midst of an evolution of words

The Slow as Molasses Press

We are in the midst of an evolution of words

Words evolve in use, organization and meaning

Today's evolution of words moves toward a single language

The single language will mainly evolve, created by multiple iterations

Elements of all existing languages will have a place in the main evolving language

The evolution of language relates to the evolution of communication

The evolution of language relates to the evolution of mobility

The short form will dominate

The long form or text will gradually replace what we call books

The long form will be iterations of the themes and intimations of the short form

What we call books will survive as escapist modes of supposition

Words will more and more seek to capture what is true

What is true is the reality of actual experience

Words are merely one means of expressing truth

Words can be used to create fictions including imaginary worlds

Fictions and imaginary worlds are reality as is all else

What is universal is what proves to possess universal validity

The evolution of words is the natural result of already common universal languages

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press