In the closely watched contest for second place, Gingrich and Paul are tied with 17 percent each, just ahead of Jon Huntsman, who has the support of 11 percent of likely Republican voters."
'via Blog this'
Let me go out on a limb. I have already predicted that no more than four points will be the margin in Iowa and that Romney will not win there. In New Hampshire I will give Romney a mere seven points which would be a small enough margin to leave the race wide open. I have read up on Romney and am not as ill-disposed as I have been hitherto - my inclination being to fault his present actions which are not admirable and to surmise that his influence on American business which has been considerable is a wash - doing as much harm as good. I have read up on Gingrich and conclude that, oddly, he would be more reliably centrist than Romney would. Neither man is as safe a choice as Obama. This because of the noxious choices that any Republican would make The most horrendous consequence of the Obama rule could be the ultimate result of the drone attacks. Karma is real..The least admirable Obama act has been his vendetta against Bradley Manning.