
Gingrich Wins, Mitt Chose The Wrong Party

Gingrich Wins South Carolina Primary - NYTimes.com: "With late-night tallies showing Mr. Gingrich beating Mr. Romney by 12 percentage points, it was no small win. Exit polls showed Mr. Gingrich had done it with a formidable coalition of groups that have resisted Mr. Romney’s candidacy all election season long: evangelical Christians, Tea Party supporters and those who call themselves “very conservative.”"

'via Blog this'

So now what. Lots of surprises from Newt. Since he has the formidable task of reversing a daunting popularity deficit and achieving first in the GOP candidate who can beat Obama race. It should be doable despite media doubts based on the fact that it has never been done before. The effect that the contest was not close will account for a double-down in Florida for Mitt. The Monday debate will yield the blunt truth. I suspect that Newt will simply reiterate his Massachusetts moderate meme and play aggressive defense, hoping for a KO. Romney might have done better as a penitent Democrat - his next book?

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