
A short treatise on the color pink

I Blame The Patriarchy: "What a relief, all that pink, because the Global Accords Governing Fair Use of Women clearly state that if the fairer sex go longer than 16 minutes without girlification, ghettoization, infantilization, and condescension, they’re liable to start acting like unfuckable men. From there, as you can well imagine, it’s but a short, slippery hop to the cosmos-rocking vortex of horror that would be the dissolution of the gender binary, followed closely by the total destruction of oppression culture as we know it."

'via Blog this'

With this post I reassert my fanhood of this site and its manifestation of the power of words to at least nudge the world toward an appreciation of how things actually are.

The Cap Tip Club - note to friends and followers

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press