
This is not exactly new but it remains true

The Scientization of Politics | NationofChange: "The politi­ciza­tion of sci­ence—or, as Michael Mann calls it, the sci­en­ti­za­tion of pol­i­tics—is a fa­mil­iar re­al­ity for Amer­i­cans con­cerned about cli­mate change. In­stead of fo­cus­ing on how to ad­dress the prob­lem, we've spent years de­bat­ing whether there's sci­en­tific con­sen­sus that there is one (the an­swer is yes). That's the re­sult of a ded­i­cated cam­paign by cor­po­rate in­ter­ests to spread doubt and dis­credit sci­en­tists."

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