
Both parties participated in the attack on regulation

It is clear that the very root of today's divide 
is found in the euphoric move 
at he end of the Clinton era 
to have done with restraints on banks  
to repeal of Glass-Steagall Act 

Glass-Steagall was a harness on greed
It forbade banks from being investment houses

Complicity in the repeal of Glass-Steagall was shared by thousands 
but Greenspan, Paulson and Summers
So were President Clinton and Phil Gramm 
The savings Clinton effected were
lost in a stroke of the pen
today regulation remains under severe attack 

This is the backdrop of Elizabeth Warren's 
salutary effort in Massachusetts 
I am told she does best talking directly to voters
Money pours in to defeat her
She can and will win

Both parties participated in
the huge trough-feeding 
engendered by the repeal of Glass-Steagall
We remain prey the nominalist forces 
of me me me 
that brought us to the cliff 
a cliff no less lethal 
than the cliff in the Bard's Lear

Charles Sanders Peirce - Thinking in Threes

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press