
Why Would Heaven Not Be A Changed Earth?

There are reasons why heaven would be a changed earth

Heaven would be a changed earth if earth practiced tolerance
Heaven would be a changed earth if earth practiced helpfulness
Heaven would be a changed earth if earth practiced democracy
Heaven would be a changed earth if people did not worship idols

Reasons why heaven would be not a changed earth

Even with a tilt toward Abba's way death would occur
Heaven is a place where death is no more
A changed earth would indeed be more like heaven
but inevitably we still commit evil
That is to say we kill and injure consciously
often without remorse
Many see life as a terminal event
to be wrung dry of whatever compensations it may offer
Heaven does not have these characteristics

Who then gets to heaven on earth or beyond

Those who will the values noted above and practice a bit of humility
Those who will to continue an existence they have
already proved out in the world

Charles Sanders Peirce - Thinking in Threes

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press