When I went to Zucotti Park I was Occupy when I was there
and when I came home
and when I came home
Occupy is everyone who comes and cares
and everyone who cares and does not come
and everyone who cares and does not come
When I say Occupy Congress I am evoking a sign
of caring people who insist on our rights
The Occupy Congress sign has an object
Boehner recalcitrant blunt refusing
The third in this triad is we the people insisting
with such force that the recalcitrance ends
Let everyone who cares go to the Capitol
Wear white
Wear something that says truce
The war can be over
Besmirch this and know that we will return again
and again
until we overcome
one with all who Occupy everywhere
there can be no Occupy without people
on the scene
It is time to Occupy Congress
All those who can should go
Make this our Tahrir