
Recent Tweets 6/24/2012 PM

stephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:34 PM@krainhill I wouldn't last a minute in such an environment. My mom was a serious aesthete.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:32 PM@dpleasant App grabs any text adds a short url and posts or schedules it or both. They answer mail and are on Twitter. Free or $10 monthly.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:28 PM@dpleasant @support I use Buffer these days.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:26 PM@dpleasant Ouch I use Chrome 2 hope you recover them I have been around so long I have zillions of downloaded bookmark pages.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:19 PM@weywerdSun @motherjones Thanks. Everything good is opposed to everything the GOP wants.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:17 PM@Michelle9647 http://t.co/SorCSbc1 Thanks
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:12 PM@thatcarlygirl If I lived in Texas that's where I'd live - somewhere north of Big Bend.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 05:08 PM@krainhill LOL. I think I'll pass. Pity her kids and the dog who has to walk past her taxidermized sister. (SLIDE SHOW)
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 04:43 PM@chrisanic Has Ron Paul raised Mitt's weird cop impersonation thing? It segues with his neocon stuff.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 04:31 PMNYT "Mrs. Siegel exclaims happily, “I have a $17,000 pair of Gucci crocodile boots.”" http://t.co/Ugw7cDV8
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 04:24 PMPeirce and Nietzsche Precursors of the Future | ShortFormContent at Bloggerhttp://t.co/GMtq9iwX
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 04:22 PMCharles Sanders Peirce and Evolutionary Love | ShortFormContent at Bloggerhttp://t.co/Ld7M7X6K
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 03:57 PMApp to tell you if what you are buying is made by Koch - Democratic Undergroundhttp://t.co/bGU9Z6RF
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 03:05 PMRT @stephencrose: Mitt Romney's Economic Plan: It Didn't Work Then, It Won't Work Now - YouTube http://t.co/ZIbi9jt9
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:59 PMCelebrating 40 years of Pell Grants. #Obama2012 http://t.co/TKyDhjpw
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:58 PM.@MichelleObama has been out west to say “thank you” to @OFA_CO and @OFA_NV supporters. Check out the photos: http://t.co/lL3KauJ3

stephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:57 PMWeekly wrap-up: Wyndi and @BarackObama, @JoeBiden's support for firefighters, Romney's outsourcing, and more. http://t.co/LPKgJXTT
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:57 PMCheck out Dashboard, the #Obama2012 online organizing platform:http://t.co/6DFDQ09W
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:53 PMNYT Mohamed Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood Declared as Egypt’s Presidenthttp://t.co/0s7Siqps
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:22 PM@1BeautifulKarma Alternet's headline is deceptive, referring to an isolated incident.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:12 PM@JustaFan18 The Conan Mitt's kid thing was carefully planned to circumvent the cop impersonation which was NOT a prank but sick..
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:10 PM@JustaFan18 And most will as soon as Mitt is confronted on TV. One clip will do it.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:09 PM@EveAndStyle @deja1422 @BarackObama What Obama represents is a fair and diverse future. They hate change.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 02:07 PM@JustaFan18 Mitt's cop impersonation misdemeanor isn't a prank. It marks him as more than weird, He is becoming expendable.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 01:59 PMCop Impersonation. We're in a delicate game now. Romney could be forced out. Would that be a good result for dems?
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 01:57 PM@now7grandkids This is significant because Nate Silver sees Gallup skewed slightly toward the GOP. 5 could be more like 7.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 01:55 PM@mittromney Your cop impersonation misdemeanor story has not enveloped you yet, but it will, Nominee? Really?
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 01:44 PMNot one pro-Romney tweet in the top forty most recent tweets when you search the name romney.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 11:15 AMNYT Past Denials of Vulnerability Raise Health Act What-Ifs http://t.co/lMZ1JOoOTypical NYT spin.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 11:13 AMNYT - For Wealthy Romney Donors, Up Close and Personal Accesshttp://t.co/1lKAhIYe NYTimes touts wealth by default
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jun 24, 11:12 AMAnother doofus NYT surmise - The Generation Gap Is Back http://t.co/KVWqZltpThis is not about young and old

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