
It has been said that there is no exact logic but that is because there is no exact anything

It has been said that there is no exact logic
but that is because there is no exact anything
and once one presumes to do logic
one is involved in the same box that mathematics occupies
That would be the box of never being able to be exact
Not finally
The reason for this conundrum 
is not that God plays dice after all
and leaves us destined to go off the several cliffs we see
It is because the one I call Abba places within each of us
the only freedom that is actually real
That would be the freedom to choose among the values that are already there
Let us place at the top of those "already values"
That would be the voice from the burning bush refusing to
give a name to the mystery that surrounds us
That would be the cautionary theme of science in its highest form
and of theology freed from its obligation to dumb things down
I am saying that to do proper logic one must acknowledge who we are
with our manifest imperfections
and celebrate the fact that we do have the capacity
to choose the better values
and that when we descend into such practices 
as idolatry we foreclose or radically inhibit such choices
The consequence is intellectual sclerosis
The cure is acknowledging that even mathematics is a tool
that logic is also a tool
and that humility is the happy by-product of non-idolatry
and that beyond the penumbra we cannot see

Stephen's Remarkable Kindle Store

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press