
Abba's Way Will Soon Be Available in All eBook Formats

We are glad to inform you that your book, Abba's Way, has been successfully converted to a new eBook file format. This new eBook version, called EPUB, is quickly becoming the new standard for the eBook industry. The new eBook file does not affect any previous eBook versions you may have for this book. iUniverse has submitted the new eBook file to our partner eBook vendors to increase the overall distribution of your book. Your new eBook will appear on each vendor's website after each company has had a chance to review and process the file. Please note we cannot guarantee your eBook will be accepted by every vendor.


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Abba's Way 

Paper versions in soft and hard cover remain available - see the box to your right.

The Cap Tip Club - note to friends and followers

RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press