
Harvey Cox acronym SBNR means spiritual but not religious

“Spiritual But Not Religious”? By Harvey Cox | Stephen C. Rose: "And the spiritual life is not a solo flight. Isolated from other selective and suspicious searchers, the SBNRs can easily lose their way or lose heart. Much of their grumbling about “institutional religion,” is justified, but the answer is not no institution at all. New shapes of church life will be needed, more participatory than the one way communication enshrined in today’s pulpits and altars, and they are already appearing. For example, some churches are opening coffee bars where members can converse about the things that matter in life over glasses of wine with people who are reluctant even to cross the threshold of a church. In such settings, as one SBNR said, “They don’t give you the answer before you ask the question.” Maybe Jesus’ disclosure of himself to the discouraged disciples at a table in the inn on the road to Emmaus may suggest the best pattern for tomorrow’s church architecture."

'via Blog this'

The url above leads to the whole article which I've published on my Wordpress blog. My "Beyond Creed: From Religion to Spirituality" is more a theological analysis of creedal messianism and the collapse of religion than advocacy of the SBNR stance. I belong to a congregation that is all than one might wish for, but I still find its creedal basis questionable and I still believe that religion will whither away anon. To be clear soon, to me, is a few centuries. The reason spirituality will survive is because, as Charles Sanders Peirce understood, it is not a choice, it is innate.

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