
A double dislike for Romney

In Iowa Romney spent millions savaging Gingrich
It was then that I lost all respect for him
Now he is doing the same thing in Florida
It is disgusting
He did not win Iowa but he succeeded in knocking Newt down
He is probably only holding even in Florida because 9o0f the noxious wall to wall ads
The man is trying to buy the presidency 
He has the support of the so called GOP elite
Just on the level of human decency this man needs some serious forgiveness
I will try but I will never favor him for the Presidency
He has no evident core as Plouffe and others have observed
He is looking more and more like Harold Stassen
Money money money
I wonder what he will do when he loses 


Fair is fair
Newt has the money to go toe to toe in Florida
So we must add that dislike is subjective
And that Romney will be unable to buy Florida

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