
Newt - but isn't it odd that he achieved bipartisan advances?

Newt’s Southern Strategy - NYTimes.com: "Romney dares not go there. Not Newt. He’s the street fighter with a history of poisonous politics who not only goes there but dwells there. He makes his nest among the thorns of open animus and coded language."

'via Blog this'

The conventional Newt is Nixon to the Tenth Power (race-wise) meme is only half the story. Newt could also be seen as a sort of enema of the GOP since he actually did manage to bring the party to the table in the 1990s. Where Blow and others are amusing is in their assumption that Gingrich is damaging his chances against President Obama. If Newt can outsmart the GOP he can win the Presidency. The only way the President can win is to win the debate. We the people are setting up an epic confrontation and when it is over the nation will be the better for it.

We should think before we protest too much.

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