If We Float the Term "ontological Values"
We Most Likely Elicit Widespread "duhs"
or Else Find Ourselves at the Door of This or that Discipline
Where the Phrase Has Some Reality and Context.
I sometimes ask myself what I would say
if someone asked me what I mean
by ontological values
by ontological values
Ontological values find their setting
within a philosophical stream
within the territory known as being
within the territory known as being
as the first
as the initial sign
They are part of the penumbra
Ontological values are deducible
They move from being named
to being proved out in the world of experience
as universal motivators
and practical modes of making history
Ontological values derive from experience
rather than some cognitive process
They are tolerance democracy helpfulness and non-idolatry
These are not merely random (nice) thoughts
or virtues
They are active ontological values
They are the origin of progress
They are the drivers of history
They are reality
Non-idolatry is the root ontological value
It establishes a limit on what can be claimed to be known
It modifies all other values
Tolerance democracy and helpfulness
are active ontological values
History moves
via the awareness and practice of these values universally
These values are universally present within the individual
enabling the free choice of these values
This philosophy is evolutionary
regarding continuity as fundamental
to understanding how life works