I see the
pragmatic maxim as a foundational insistence that all thought move toward some
experimental process by which it can be validated. Thus in matters of religion,
which can be described as supposition, the PM might place some weight on the
experience Peirce describes in the NA (Neglected Argument). The implication
being that the process of musement can lead to better expressions and
Philosophy holds this point of view explicitly and argues that there is an
inherent, positive result (reduction of possible harm) in conscious
consideration of signs in terms of Reality Ethics and Aesthetics, using the
ethical index of democracy, helpfulness, tolerance and non-idolatry and the
aesthetic prod to truth-beauty, beauty-truth to create a positive expression or
Neglected Argument of Peirce is not something I read before developing Triadic
Much of Triadic
Philosophy is an amalgamation of about 10 years spent wrestling with Neitzsche
(including a trip to Sils-Maria), decades of involvement with a critique of
Christianity focusing on creedal messianism and experience in the world of
mental health and with the thinking behind Roberto Assagioli's Psythosynthesis.
I saw Peirce
as the generator of TP because his realistic premises seemed to me immensely
relevant for now and the future. So I sit somewhat light to the text of NA and
happily advance my own experience of using the elements of Triadic Philosophy
to achieve results similar to those suggested by Peirce in NA and elsewhere.