
Triadic Tales - Fifteen Minutes Before a Roaring Fire - Short Story (Part Three)


Triadic Tales - Fifteen Minutes Before a Roaring Fire - Short Story (Part Three) PART ONE PART TWO


She died too young.

Adam gave serious thought to the idea that he might travel with her some day. Take her on the road on one of his William Least Heat Moon secondary roads peregrinations.
But he was fully aware that he had no way even to renew contact with her. He was not even sure she would remember the fellow who offered her his sweater on a cold August night in Chilmark.

Morton and Wife Two did not last. 

Morton lived on with a compatible woman who like Wife One was versed in psychiatry. When Morton died in his late eighties, Adam went back to the Vineyard for  a memorial service. Morton addressed the attendees via a taped message.
Adam's attitude regarding celebrity never changed. It did not excite him. The most significant encounters he ever had were mere moments he could tick off on his fingers. It embarrassed him to know how many more such moments there might be if he practiced things he now knew full well. 

That one can will experience. 

That one can will thought. 

That art is in the eye. 

That reason is divine. 

And beautiful. 

And true.

There was one thing about celebrity that seemed apposite as Adam looked back on those fifteen minutes on the carpet a few miles from her home in Gay Head. 

His knowledge had increased. He might have articulated something of significance. But no. It would not have been appropriate. 

Suddenly, now, as he looked back, he realized that he had been as excited by celebrity as the most fawning idolater on the planet. 
He had simply had nothing to say at the time.

Adam's Bicentennial Musical Narrative was rejected as too serious and never performed. It was later later recorded by a choir. His patrons opted for a Las Vegas-style lollapalooza to  get the juices of their constituency flowing.

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press