
Recent Tweets July 7, 2012 10:55 AM ET

stephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 10:30 AMBeyond Barclays: Laying out the Libor Investigations - ProPublicahttp://t.co/lKTMBXMF
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 10:24 AMBecky Garrison's email interview with Shannon T.L. Kearns on Trans Issues | ShortFormContent at Blogger http://t.co/BQahVQdt
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 10:14 AMEnding unemployment: A four day week.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 10:11 AMOur Government Should Lead in Becoming an Open Book | ShortFormContent at Blogger http://t.co/anAK4MuG
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 10:05 AMI humbly thank John Boehner / For all the good he does | ShortFormContent at Blogger http://t.co/39eH49So
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:33 AMLord's Prayer Album Two Zurker http://t.co/dlbqTlMY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:31 AM@GhettoCondo Correct and they are in devastating documentaries.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:23 AMWhy Obama's Bain attacks are working against Romney http://t.co/iO72e9ro
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:20 AMRT Hope this gets retweeted everywhere. An accurate prophecy and understanding of the last 60 years. http://t.co/TjY0nOy5
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:14 AMRT @stephencrose: A LONG List of President Obama’s Accomplishments! With Citations! | Addicting Info http://t.co/SaAQctP9
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:13 AM@HKlegman Because their products all speak of pollution, sprawl and endless oil, all or which will vanish over time.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:08 AM"Take a look at what each candidate believes about outsourcing, "http://t.co/CxyHq6yL Not a PAC ad either, Karl.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:05 AMVIDEO for Mitt. Why are you keeping your money offshore? http://t.co/kJdNWJYY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:03 AMPresident Obama combats China’s unfair auto trade policies — Barack Obamahttp://t.co/2yDUt4pZ
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 09:01 AMRomney will have to disclose his foreign holdings before this is over. Here's a map of them. http://t.co/13ymrgBA
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:47 AM@PushBackNow I am replying so that folk on my side can see how silly and pointless your attacks are.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:45 AM@PushBackNow I say you are using silly talking points and provide no authority - a valid url for example.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:43 AM@PushBackNow Here is the deal. Include a reputable reference if you want a hearing.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:42 AM@PushBackNow No reference given. Let's call it an open question. What do you say to Romney's cop impersonation?

stephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:39 AM@PushBackNow @MittRmoney @TheDemocrats Tell you what - stop littering my Connect area with endless posts. Then we'll talk some more.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:35 AMPurloined Romney Records - The Pesky Reuters Story the GOP Would Like to Deny | ShortFormContent at Blogger http://t.co/ECMDCL6w
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:16 AM@PushBackNow Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records | Reutershttp://t.co/6gJWUrWS The original report. Refute away.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 08:02 AM@PushBackNow @MittRmoney @TheDemocrats I would respect you more if you would actually address what I was saying - Romney's hard drives etc.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 07:49 AM@JakeJackson451 I think it will be visible now. http://t.co/dlbqTlMY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 07:46 AM@JakeJackson451 Really? I am new to this. I think that I may have labeled it wrong. Try again in a while and let me know. Thanks!
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 07:18 AMLord's Prayer Album One - Zurker http://t.co/Ii7QETjb
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 07:05 AMObama 66.9 - Romney 33.1 Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -http://t.co/EscrqiaD http://t.co/kN9gFrXZ
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 07:01 AMNate Silver NYT 538 - Three Questions After the June Jobs Reporthttp://t.co/N5qrChBO
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:55 AMRT We = people GOP = money We = marching + truth GOP = lying + voter suppression We = win w comedy GOP = lose w bile
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:53 AMRT @dpleasant: So, let's cut SNAP! Yay! RT @esoltas: The recession has crushed the extreme poor, expanding their ran... http://t.co/oe3BVUD4
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:51 AMRT @MittRmoney: Romney's records as Governor are gone. He ordered staff to destroy computer hard drives after buying them for $100,000 http…
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:50 AMRT @stephencrose: Four years ago, @BarackObama promised to stand up for women's health. Here's a look at how he's followed through: http://…
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:48 AMRT @stephencrose: Boycott Koch Products http://t.co/dqqoBze6
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:48 AMRT @RBReich: Rom says unemp shld be 4%. I was Sec of Lab last time it was 4%. We got there by raising taxes on rich and investing in ed and…
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:47 AMRT @stephencrose: Suggest that if you support the President you add Obama/Biden 2012 or Obama 2012 to your profile bio..
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 06:20 AMUsing Tweepi's geeky Twitter tools. http://t.co/fTKNaQ4m
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 07, 03:58 AMRT @stephencrose: Charles Sanders Peirce -The Sign creates something in the Mind of the Interpreter | ShortFormConte... http://t.co/CE7JyDnO
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 10:08 PM"The Myth of Perpetual Growth, the pseudo-scientific justification for modern capitalism." http://t.co/cTdp7FKh cap tip @brokenwing2005

stephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 09:09 PM@MittRomney Says Mitt from the jet ski.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 09:06 PMI don't even have to tell Mitt off when he tweets. The wingnuts are doing it for me. Tampa should be fun.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 08:54 PM. Fracking-related earthquakes http://t.co/6t1W8lmG
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:44 PMPretty soon the GOP will attack Romney more than we do.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:28 PM"I'd love to see the occupation of Congress until the GOP agrees to a Grand Bargain" http://t.co/wVbFQgqY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:27 PM""I'd love to see all of the people who plotted against the President1/20/09 part of a NYTimes investigation" http://t.co/wVbFQgqY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:25 PM"I'd love to see Tampa turning into a free-for-all when Romney and Paul forces clash" http://t.co/wVbFQgqY
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:22 PMMitt will really screw up with a new staff. The only core he has is his staff.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 06:20 PM@TomBales1 @MittReagan Depends on the time. When he drinks he does not speak. Either way he goes down.
stephencrosestephencrose Stephen C. Rose Jul 06, 05:43 PMPennsylvania is the cradle of voter suppression.

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