
Is GOP 2012 the Same as GOP 2008? In a word, NO.

Newt is not Rudy G
Santorum is not Huckabee
Rick Perry is not Fred Thompson
That is obvious

But the real reason 2008 and 2012 differ is
 Romney is not McCain
2012 is not 2008

This year GOP is mired in unpopular right wing positions
The Republican establishment liking for Mitt
Is not because Mitt is moderate
But because they are as hell bent to
As the most racist and vitriolic right wing
of the GOP

The entire GOP is in an indefensible position
The only question the Republican elite has
Is whether Romney will self destruct
The one who scared them is
One person
His name is Newt 
He is the only one of the lot who
Could actually confront Obama
Without making a fool is himself

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Living car free around the world

List of car-free places - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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Nice to see this movement building. Maybe the President will mention it someday to create a bit of GOP apoplexy.

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Another Smart Thing from Japan (Video)

Emily Chang – Designer » Generate Electricity by Walking: "His first experiment took place in Japan’s Shibuya train crossing last month in which he converted one square meter of the ground into an electricity generator. Each time a person walks over the area, electricity is generated. Over 20 days, with 900,000 people passing through Shibuya each day, he was able to generate enough energy to power 1,422 televisions for one hour."

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More Notions of Power Alternatives from Japan

Walking on New Power-Generating Floor Creates Electricity | Japan for Sustainability: "A "power generating floor" has been developed that uses brand-new technology to generate power. It utilizes the mechanism of resonance energy that is created when people walk across the floor. The application of this kind of energy from people walking on a surface has been largely neglected, but Mr. Kohei Hayamizu, CEO of the Onryoku Hatsuden Co., has been working on it since 2003. He successfully increased the power generating efficiency and durability by combining elements of piezo-electricity and resonance phenomena, and brought the technology up to the level of experimental practical application."

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Pave with them. Make them into the floors of everything.

Capturing the Power of Trillions of Footfalls: "Redmond's unique floor tiles generate electricity using a phenomenon known as piezoelectricity – electricity generated by applying mechanical stress to certain materials like the lead zirconate plates in the POWERleap. When these 2-inch by 1-inch piezoceramic plates are bent, a charge is produced that can be harnessed. Multiply one tile by the surface area of a subway station or even your standard grocery store floor, and you can imagine the amount of energy these tiles have the potential to generate."

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Pave with them. Make them into the floors of everything.

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Soon We Will Be The Generators of All the Power We Need

Capturing the Power of Trillions of Footfalls: "Elizabeth invented the POWERleap, a simple idea with brilliant applications. It’s a flooring system that generates electricity every time you move on one of the tiles. Elizabeth developed the POWERleap as her senior thesis project at the University of Michigan's School of Art and Design. She wanted to design a project that would educate people about their relationship and dependence on energy. Human bodies generate electricity, about 100 watts at rest, which (according to www.elizabethredmond.net) is enough to power the computer I am writing on."

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Soon we will be generating all the power we need. This is the right idea. Ultimately it speaks to all surfaces that come into contact with weights. In my proposed cyber-community all floors and ways will generate power. Pendulums will function to generate still more power. This does not count solaer ans wind which will be generated by silo turbines massively more powerful than today's unsightly windmills. What is amazing is how long this vision is taking to germinate. Once it does there will be no stopping it. The definitive move beyond dependence on oil and cars.

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Why a plethora of opponents does not help Romney

News Analysis - For Romney, Challenges Await on Ideology and Faith - NYTimes.com: "But the barely hidden glee of the Romney campaign when Mr. Perry decided to stay in the race after performing badly in Iowa, to fight another day in South Carolina, betrayed another lucky factor that has helped give the Romney team confidence in the state: In the absence of a successful effort by any of his rivals to rally evangelical voters behind just one of them, the cast of candidates vying for the anti-Romney religious vote is promising to carve it up into smaller pieces."

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Romney's camp should be aware that the reason others stay in the race is not merely ambition but the conviction that he cannot win. Seen in this way, Romney has consistently lost. His winning figures represent indices of his potential failure in a general election. The Romneyites are gleeful about the prospect of a stay-at-home election? That's what they will get unless Obama fails to convince us that he needs eight years to undo GOP perfidy. I would favor 16 with either Michelle or Hillary or Elizabeth Warren succeeding him.

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How far has Newt come from last summer?

ShortFormContent at Blogger: Callista gazes at the isle:

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How far has Newt come from last summer
Which everyone thought was a bummer
He's come down hard on Mitt
And made Limbaugh vomit

Binary is gold kept in its place

ShortFormContent at Blogger: 06/16/11: "From binary to triadic perception and creativity"

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Binary is gold kept in its place
But when it is an end it loses face
It's time we all assumed triadic ways
The more we do the future we'll embrace

How Guantanamo turned out to be mindless overkill

My Guantánamo Nightmare - NYTimes.com: "Some American politicians say that people at Guantánamo are terrorists, but I have never been a terrorist. Had I been brought before a court when I was seized, my children’s lives would not have been torn apart, and my family would not have been thrown into poverty. It was only after the United States Supreme Court ordered the government to defend its actions before a federal judge that I was finally able to clear my name and be with them again."

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Essential footnote to the rights-denial parade still in progress.

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The South Carolina Conundrum

Romney Wins G.O.P. Primary in New Hampshire - NYTimes.com: "MANCHESTER, N.H. — Mitt Romney swept to victory in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, turning back a ferocious assault from rivals who sought to disqualify him in the eyes of conservatives, in a contest that failed to anoint a strong opponent to slow his march to the Republican nomination."

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So far Mitt has been his worst enemy and his best friend. Speaking acceptably gripping cliches while extracting foot from mouth. As he juggernauts forward, brimming with shaky confidence, I doubt that he will appear a final winner. He will likely lose in South Carolina or have a victory too tepid to create confidence. The more things move the more he will appear as an ultimate loser. The tell in all this is the gravitation of Rush Limbaugh to Romney's side. This is a kiss of death. As a damaged GOP nominee, Romney will be stretched so thin as to appear ephemeral and ultimately not up to the task at hand. It is a new skin old skin thing from the annals of wine parables.

A nice thumbnail critique of today's obsolete education system

(12) What are some systems we live with today that were designed for a world of the past? - Quora:

"... the classrooms look essentially the same as they always have. Kids sit in desks, are told what to do and what not to do. They are given facts and ideas to learn and memorize. Obedience is rewarded, deviance or nontraditional ways of approaching things are thwarted. Emphasis on testing as the end-all-be-all goal means that seemingly superfluous areas--art, drama, music, recess--are removed to give more time to learn the things that will be on the test. Creativity and innovative thinking is not only not taught, it is actively suppressed. "

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The test thing is tricky. We do need some way to enable people who seek to achieve this or that knowledge or skill to prove to themselves and others that they have succeeded. Minus tests the other option might be an evolved test or some version of the guild system.
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Nicolas Steno Google Doodle Serendipitous

NICOLAS STENO GOOGLE DOODLE: Logo digs deep to celebrate Danish ‘father of geology’ - Comic Riffs - The Washington Post:

"To salute Nicolas Steno, Google has dug up an especially beautiful “Doodle.”

Where the company’s homepage logo typically sits, the six letters of ”Google” become brightly colored rock layers that mark not just time, but specifically the 374th anniversary of Steno’s birth.

The Danish natural scientist — who was born “Niels Stensen” on Jan. 11, 1638 — is widely considered the father of geology."

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My. Just yesterday I picked from the ether geology as the subject of one of the kiosk schools in the new novel I have started. I am writing it backwards. Here is a snippet:

"She came forward and stood  side by side next to him, looking outward.

"I was explaining some elementary things to some children when this woman appeared and demanded information about Inge Lehman. I told her that I would gladly get the information if she would explain to the children what she was seeing. If not she would need to come back when the children were finished. Amazingly the whole thing transmogrified into a mini-seminar on Lehman's work and on the contribution of other woman scientists."

"Transmogrified. I love that.""

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How do ontological values relate to our notion of honorable work

How do ontological values relate to our notion of honorable work

The ontological values are tolerance, democracy, helpfulness and non-idolatry
The answer to the question is not difficult 
if you simply substitute each value
for the word honorable in the question
and state the propositions this way

Tolerance is honorable
The practice of democracy is honorable
Helpfulness is honorable

And the greatest honor of all 
attaches to having no other gods before Abba
Who is within everyone
And is the core of freedom and integrity which enables us to
say our NO
to all that is idolatrous

(Honor is not a value. 
Values are what all live  by)

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press